Keep leadership training specific to company needs, McLean advises
Studies show that a lack of communication skills and change readiness is keeping leaders from reaching their potential. Kathryn Moody, Senior Editor Listen to the article2 min Measuring the effectiveness of learning and development programs is an ongoing challenge in the HR space, but employers must be wary of using that as an excuse to…
The Talent Pool That Is Surprisingly Overlooked — and Primed for Recruiters
Authored by Laura Hilgers Consider the following candidates: a young man with a master’s degree in mathematics from New York University who holds a patent and has passed his Level 1 Chartered Financial Analyst exam. Or a young woman with dual degrees from Pace University who speaks three languages. What do they have in common? Both are recent graduates…
When hiring budgets are tight, reskilling may help HR fill jobs
Reskilling current employees is a much more predictable model than the hit-or-miss tactic of recruiting for experience, one leader said. Kathryn Moody Senior Editor Listen to the article3 min As budget constraints restrict hiring, reskilling workers might be a key way to manage costs and fill jobs, according to the results of an Express Employment Professionals…
Why coaching is the answer to everything.
Organisations today grapple with an ever-changing environment, hybrid and flexible working, multi-generational diverse workforces and growing levels of stress and burnout. Could coaching be the answer to all of these complexities? “The best organizations hire managers with a talent for engaging their teams, and they train their managers into effective coaches who consistently deliver meaningful…
Companies overestimate their employees’ trust. That’s bad for business, PwC says.
“The risk is not that people leave — it’s that they stay and work half-heartedly,” according to the firm’s report. Published March 18, 2024 Kathryn Mood Senior Editor While trust remains key to a company’s bottom line, executives “continue to overestimate” just how much their employees trust them — a gap that has only grown in…
3 in 4 workers say they haven’t been trained for flexible work arrangements
“The pandemic forced the majority of organizations into hybrid work practically overnight, with no time to consider how to support new practices,” Wendy Hamilton, CEO of TechSmith, said. Published March 19, 2024 By Carolyn Crist Most employers haven’t adapted their practices to support the shift to flexible work, with 3 out of 4 workers saying their…